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Effective English Leadership Grab File

A must for all English Subject Leaders, once compiled this document can be grabbed at a moments notice and used to evidence your impact as a middle leader.

Why Do You Need a Copy of the Effective English Leadership Grab File?

Much has changed recently in the field of primary school English. This version of our Effective English Leadership Grab File was updated in 2022 in line with the new Ofsted Inspection Framework, the new DfE expectations as set out in The Reading Framework of 2021, and the latest DfE guidance on Systematic Synthetic Phonics programmes.

This downloadable resource is designed to assist you in your role as a primary English subject leader. It is a clear and comprehensive list (over 70 pages) of everything you should include in your subject leader's folder which, once compiled, will evidence your impact as a middle leader and can be grabbed for meetings with your senior leaders, headteacher, governors or external visitors, including Ofsted.

It really is the one stop shop for all primary English subject leaders and is designed to support your in your role.

What is Included in the Effective English Leadership Grab File?

The organisation of this folder has changed significantly to include five sections, adaptations have been made across every section of the Effective English Leadership Grab File to ensure that articles are up to date with DfE and Ofsted thinking. There is a NEW section called Pupils Causing Concern (Part Four) and addresses the needs of vulnerable groups.

A further useful addition to this Effective English Leadership Grab File is the Self-Auditing Tool for the Curriculum (2.1) which has been adapted specifically for the English curriculum. There is also plenty of new guidance on sequencing learning outcomes in the English curriculum, to meet the demands of Ofsted Inspection.

The file is divided into five parts.

Part One - Whole School Development

Part Two - Curriculum and Policies

Part Three - Monitoring

Part Four - Pupils Causing Concern

Part Five - Stakeholders (Pupils, Parents and Governors)

What’s more, each section is now supported by a wealth of templates which are included as downloadable, editable documents. From a sample English policy and data templates, to monitoring proformas for lesson observations, learning walks and book scrutiny, the Effective English Leadership Grab File really does have it all!


The Effective English Leadership Grab File is just £60 when bought as a stand-alone resource.
Buy both the Effective English Leadership Grab File and the Effective Mathematics Leadership Grab File resources for just £100! When purchasing both resources please enter the discount code:GRAB22 at the checkout when requested.

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