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Curriculum Essentials and the Ofsted Experience

Audience: Primary
  • Primary School Improvement Training Package
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2

The webinar will include a detailed look at what curriculum mapping should look like in the foundation subjects, based on the expectations in the Education Inspection Framework and National Curriculum. It will also contain guidance to support school leaders and governors to articulate the rationale behind their chosen curriculum model and the kinds of strategic questions that governors should be equipped to answer. There will also be some guidance on the level of knowledge required by curriculum leaders to be well prepared for their conversations with Ofsted teams. Leaders will also be given a useful audit document designed to support effect evaluation of the curriculum.

What will delegates gain from this session?

  • A step by step approach to planning the foundation subjects through the lens of the history curriculum.
  • Advice and guidance on articulating curriculum rationale.
  • Support and advice on answering strategic questions around curriculum intent.

The 90 minute recording is suitable for headteachers, senior and curriculum leaders and governors.

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