as a subject lead, pastoral lead, school leader, SENDCO and more recently as the senior leader for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Specialist Resource Provision (SRP).
Ruth has led the development of a high-quality inclusive model in a school with a large SRP that enables all pupils supported by the SRP and SEND to access their education. She has been responsible for leading strategic school improvement, training and developing inclusive practice.
Alongside her senior leadership role, she has supported the Kent Inclusion Leadership Programme as an Inclusion Leader of Education which has provided her the opportunity to work with a number of primary and secondary schools across Kent.
Over recent years, Ruth has delivered training sessions to trainee teachers on the Culture of an Inclusive Classroom and Practical toolkits to support pupils with SEND.
Ruth has a Master of Art specialising in SEND. Her research focussed on inclusion ensuring that pupils with SEND supported by a SRP are afforded an environment and education that they can successfully access and make progress academically, socially and emotionally.
Ruth believes that every school can provide high-quality inclusive education for all pupils irrespective of whether they have SEND or not enabling every pupil to thrive socially, emotionally, and academically.
Her main role within The Education People is SEND specialism providing support and advice for school leaders, SENDCOs, teachers and stakeholders to review and develop their SEND policy, provision and inclusive practice.