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Raising awareness of GRT History and Culture

Centralised and bespoke in house training, advice and support to raise the attainment, engagement and well-being of GRT pupils in schools and settings.

Raising Cultural Awareness, Inclusion and Achievement of Gypsy, Roma and Irish Traveller Communities

“Gypsy, Roma and Traveller [communities] have poorer health, worse educational outcomes and a higher level of infant mortality compared with many other groups. They also face high levels of hostility and discrimination, with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children particularly vulnerable to bullying in school."
House of Commons Select Committee 2016

“Pupils from Gypsy or Roma backgrounds and those from a Traveller or Irish heritage background had the lowest attainment of all ethnic groups throughout their school years. Gypsy or Roma pupils, and those of an Irish Traveller background were also most likely to be excluded.
The pupils most likely to be absent were Gypsy or Roma pupils, and those of an Irish Traveller background. They were also far less likely to stay in education after the age of 16 than pupils in any other ethnic group.”

Race Disparity Audit October 2017

The Equality Diversity Inclusion Team - EDIT (formally Support Service Kent (ISSK)) offer advice, support, centralised and bespoke in house training to support schools and settings to raise the attainment, engagement and wellbeing of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils.

During these sessions delegates will develop their knowledge and understanding of:

  • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller history, culture, lifestyles and beliefs.
  • The legal and statutory duties regarding equality and challenging racism.
  • The possible barriers to learning for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and young people and effective strategies to overcome these.
  • The importance of accurate data to inform practice and improve outcomes.

Did You Know?

The Equality Diversity Inclusion Team (EDIT) support, consultancy and bespoke training can be bought through the EDIT Core Support Package.

You can use your purchased credits to pay for this product.
To pay using your credits, please add your 7-digit DfE number in the voucher code box at the point of checkout, and your credits will be deducted automatically.

If you have a credit related query please contact us here.