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Staff Safeguarding Training Pack for DSLs in Early Years Settings 2023-24

This resource is to support DSLs in early years settings provide basic child protection staff training themselves whilst following national guidance and local Kent processes.

Please note: from 1 April 2023 this product will be produced by Kent County Council. For any queries relating to this product please email the Education Safeguarding Service.

The welfare requirements within the statutory ‘Early Years and Foundation Stage’ (EYFS) guidance requires early years providers to train all staff to understand their safeguarding policy and procedures, and to ensure that all staff have up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues. This training should be made available to all staff by the provider to enable staff to identify signs of possible abuse and neglect at the earliest opportunity, and to respond in a timely and appropriate way.

To support Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) in early years settings provide staff training themselves, the Education Safeguarding Service have produced a downloadable resource pack with content in line with national guidance and local Kent processes. By purchasing the Staff Safeguarding Training Pack for DSLs in Early Years Settings 2023-24 downloadable resource pack, you will be granted access for a year to use a PowerPoint presentation template and PDF guidance document with additional advice and supplementary activities.

The Education Safeguarding Service will revise the contents of the pack as required following any updates and amends to relevant guidance: please ensure you check for updates before delivering the content. The content has been created specifically for Kent early years settings in line with the Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership (KSCMP) procedures, however, establishments outside of Kent can adapt the slides to reflect their own local procedures.

This pack must only be used and delivered by an appropriately trained DSL and is for use within individual settings only.

Please remember you are purchasing access to this content for the academic year 1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024. 

The pack provides DSLs in early years settings with an easy to use and comprehensive PowerPoint presentation template which can be tailored to their individual settings context, as well as time available. The presentation includes an optional script and reflects the current national statutory guidance (including EYFS  and ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’) as well as local Kent processes. The presentation template includes suggested activities to help explore and enhance staff knowledge and should be personalised by DSLs to reflect their settings individual policies.

Key content covered within the presentation includes:

  • key legislation and updates
  • categories and indicators of abuse and neglect
  • safe culture, including allegations and whistleblowing
  • what to do if staff are concerned about a child
  • local support and processes, including the Kent Support Levels Guidance
  • safeguarding priorities
  • online safety

To further support DSLs in settings deliver staff training, the Education Safeguarding Service have also produced a helpful guidance document with supporting material and useful background information. The guidance document includes suggestions to create a safe environment for training delivery and contains a variety of activities which can be used in longer training sessions or to provide staff updates throughout the year.

This pack will enable DSLs to be confident that their staff have the relevant safeguarding and child protection skills and knowledge required and that they understand the expectations and procedures in place within their setting. These resources will assist both new and experienced DSLs deliver up-to-date staff training and will help ensure that their setting is a safe place for children and staff.


£100 (+VAT) per setting.

Please remember you are purchasing access to this content for the academic year 1 September 2023 - 31 August 2024.

If you have any further questions about the Staff Safeguarding Training Pack for DSLs in the Early Years Settings 2023-24 please contact us.

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