"The designated safeguarding lead (and any deputies) should undergo training to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role. This training should be updated at least every two years." Keeping Children Safe in Education
This training provides refresher training for experienced Designated Safeguarding Leads in Schools/Colleges and Early Years Settings - this training should only be accessed by delegates who have completed initial or refresher DSL training within the last two years.
We provide DSL refresher training via two approaches:
E-learning Course
Because E-learning does not allow for delegate interaction, this training is valid for one year rather than two (with the face to face training) so should be taken on an annual basis; as such the price is reduced to reflect this additional requirement. E-learning courses are available immediately after purchase and can be accessed at any time. The course should take between two and four hours to complete, but it doesn’t need to be completed in one go as progress can be saved; this means DSLs can access refresher training at a time is most convenient to them.
Face to Face Training
Alternatively, a one day face to face refresher course is available which is valid for 2 years and is
available to book via The Education People's training platform.
This course will enable existing DSLs and deputy DSLs in schools and settings to:
- revisit and update their knowledge of national legislation and guidance pertaining to safeguarding children
- explore local safeguarding children procedures
- reflect, analyse and improve the safeguarding practice within their setting
- work with colleagues from different settings to share experiences and develop effective safeguarding practice
- revisit the importance of establishing a 'safe culture', including identifying the barriers for reporting abuse and how to overcome them
- explore current and contemporary child protection concerns and priorities through the use of case studies
Our face to face DSL refresher training uses a variety of scenarios and discussions to help delegates put learning into practice and is delivered by experienced trainers who have a sound knowledge of social work and education practice.