Professional Practice with Technology
Technology is a fantastic tool for teaching and learning, but staff can put children at risk and/or leave themselves vulnerable to allegations if they do not maintain clear boundaries with regards to their own online behaviour, both in the classroom and through their personal use of technology.
KCSIE states that all members of staff working in schools/colleges should be provided with an understanding of the expectations, applicable roles, and responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring as part of the settings induction process, and as part of their child protection staff training.
The 'Safer Practice with Technology' guidance from Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-agency Partnership (KSCMP) aims to support managers and safeguarding leads make decisions and have discussions with staff about appropriate online behaviours and professional practice.
Designated Safeguarding Leads, leadership staff and managers should ensure that their staff behaviour policy or code of conduct includes the acceptable use of technologies, staff/learner relationships and communications via social media. Template resources can be found here. The Safer Recruitment Consortium have also published 'Guidance for Safer Working Practice for professionals working in education settings' which may be helpful for developing a staff behaviour policy/code of conduct.