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Level Up Your Leadership
Is your school self-evaluation feeling like a box-ticking exercise? Do you want a more robust, data-driven approach that drives real improvement?
This one day workshop is designed to give time and headspace for busy school leaders - headteachers, deputy and assistant heads and wider members of the senior leadership team - to write an evidence-based self-evaluation that truly showcases your school's progress and supports strategic planning. Chairs/Vice Chairs are invited to attend alongside school leaders.
Over the course of the day, leaders will be supported by our improvement advisers to shape an accurate, well-informed and robust school self-evaluation (SEF). We welcome those attending to bring along their own templates or use our latest document which will be made available on the day. Whichever you choose, there will be a shared approach in drawing on and integrating the most relevant qualitative and quantitative evidence to showcase your school for governors/trustees as well as Ofsted and, for church schools, the diocese.