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BPS Budget Monitoring for Academies

Audience: Primary, Secondary
Single session
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Key Stage 5

Brief Overview

Demonstration, Questions and Answers and workshop. 

This full day session is for individuals who would like to monitor a budget using the Budget Planning Software (BPS) and produce reports for strategic stakeholders 

The assumption will be that those attending will be finance staff from schools who have purchased the core finance package which includes the Budget Planning Software.

Delegates arerequired to bring along the following: 

  • their own laptop and power pack
  • logon details must be available on the day to log in to your computer as well as BPS
  • the BPS will be web based therefore access to the internet will be required. Please note the venue will have wireless internet in the room. Without internet access you will not be able to access your school’s BPS
  • any financial information which will help to monitor the budget, or a memory stick with the information on if they do not wish to bring hard copies


Learning Outcomes

The session will cover in detail 

  • how to use the Payroll Reconciliation function for validating payroll costs on a monthly, basis
  • how to import data to create initial figures for monitoring the school’s budgets and making adjustments to inform the year end forecast amounts
  • delegates will be aware of how to use the Budget Planning Software to generate reports suitable for various parties e.g. Head teachers and Governors
  • how to recalculate a 3 year plan using the updated year end figures produced by the budget monitoring
  • A demonstration of consolidated reporting process
  • A demonstration of the sensitivity profile that can be used within BPS
  • time will also be dedicated to a workshop session where each school will be able to work using their own information (note: There may not be sufficient time to complete a full monitoring report on the day)
  • questions will be taken during the day.



  • Session - 12/11/2024 09:30  -  16:00

Event Type

Face 2 Face


MIDAS Centre
Meadowfield School
Swanstree Avenue
ME10 4NL

Delivered by

  • Joanne Clark

Product Type:
Product Topic: