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Supporting Struggling Readers

Audience: Secondary Teaching Assistants
  • Key Stage 4
  • Key Stage 5
  • Key Stage 3

This bitesize E-learning course provides an introduction to supporting struggling readers. This course is aimed at teaching assistants working in secondary schools.

Recognised in a recent Ofsted paper, the number of students starting secondary school without the reading skills to successfully engage with the curriculum is increasing.

"Each year around one quarter of 11-year-olds do not meet the expected standard in reading at the end of primary school. Fewer than 1 in 5 of these pupils can expect to get a GCSE grade 4 in English."
Ofsted, 2022

The aim of this E-learning course is to provide the learner with a clear understanding of this challenge, the importance of reading at every level, and a variety of tools to support any child, at any reading ability, with any text.

Armed with this knowledge the teaching assistant will be able to support all students with their reading ability regardless of their starting points.

The Secondary School Improvement Team also offers bespoke support for schools. Please follow this link for further information.