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Governance Evidence Review

Governance Evidence Review is a cost-efficient way to enable your Board to establish its own priorities to ensure evidence of good governance.

Governance Evidence Review supports the new governance guides

Our Governance Evidence Review is a cost effective way to enable your Board to establish its own priorities to ensure evidence of good governance.  The new Governance Guides say:

“An effective Governing Body is proactive in reviewing its own performance regularly as identified in the DfE Governance Guidance for both maintained schools and academies". 
The Guidance looks at evaluation.


Regular evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance by:

  • completing regular skills audits, aligned to the school’s strategic plan, to identify skill and knowledge gaps and inform:
    • recruitment needs
    • training and development plans
    • induction of new governors, including training on KCSIE and keeping pupils safe online in education
  • regularly reviewing the governing body effectiveness, how well governors work together and governors’ performance and their participation in discussions
  • commissioning external reviews to get an independent assessment of the governing body’s effectiveness and areas for development, particularly at key growth or transition points
  • following legal requirements for document retention and accurately documenting:
    • evidence of the governing body and its committee’s discussions and decisions
    • any evaluation of the governing body’s impact.

Our review will look at documentation and help identify gaps in these areas.

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