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Supported employment in schools programme

The Education People’s supported employment service has been appointed to work with all mainstream schools across Kent to embed the supported employment model within schools. Adding value and aspirational support for employment by strengthening the existing careers information, advice and guidance programme for SEND students.
This programme:

  • is fully funded by KCC as part of the commitment to the preparation for adulthood agenda
  • adds value and aspirational support for employment by strengthening the existing careers information, advice and guidance programme for SEND students
  • is time limited, the funding for the programme ends in 2024.

Impact of supported employment in schools

SEND students become:

  • self-aware- in terms of skills, qualities and progression routes to employment and experience of work
  • opportunity aware- of the labour market, employer expectations, career pathways, confident decision makers, understand transition to work
  • confident decision makers and raised aspirations - to decide which pathways are suitable for them, help inform their EHCP (where appropriate)
  • transition successfully and sustainably into the next stages of their lives be it paid work, work experience, or further education to gain qualifications needed for their informed careers pathway
  • less likely to become NEET as have been supported at an earlier age to look at progression routes
  • empowered to make independent decisions to enable them to lead full lives as members of society.

Schools will be able to:

  • understand the value of the Supported Employment model and embed into the careers strategy
  • recognise how to support a student into sustainable employment suitable for each student’s needs
  • communicate the strategy with parents/carers
  • facilitate appropriate engagement with employers to gain trust, lasting relationships and provide sustainable outcomes for students
  • job coach effectively in the workplace using the Training in Systematic Instruction model (TSI) to successfully fade support from both the employee or work experience candidate and the employer.

This blended model of consultancy, delivery and training across the whole school is flexible over 3 main stages reviewing schools current strategy and identifying need, delivering formal training in all aspects of the supported employment model, including specific Governor and SLT training and practical mentoring to implement the model across appropriate staffing within the school. A final audit will take place to evidence the impact.

Stage 1. consultancy

Reviewing the schools’ current careers strategy, identifying need and introducing The Supported Employment Model using a Toolkit to evidence progression to embed the model.

Stage 2. recorded webinars

A package of thirteen titles recorded across nine webinars which include an overview of the Supported Employment in Schools Programme including the five stages of the Supported Employment model, Vocational Profiling, Employer Engagement and Supported Internships and Apprenticeships. The webinars are aimed for all school staff supporting students with SEND and can be viewed at a time that is convenient.

Schools will have the licences for this webinar package.

Stage 3. mentoring

Allocated mentor to work in the school to support with all aspects of the model.

The benefits

Supports your school improvement strategy by allowing your school to …

  • demonstrate good quality destinations and ambition for all students
  • reduce NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) numbers
  • provide an alternative post 16 pathway for SEN students.

The service has created a LinkedIn Group for schools to join where you can view the first newsletter.

The Supported Employment in schools programme was launched in September 2021 and having successfully started to work with Kent mainstream schools in the first year, we are excited to build on the positive impact for schools in the next two years.

To arrange a meeting or for more information please contact us by clicking the button below.

Inclusive internships

Our experts also deliver inclusive internships, which support all students with SEND within in their final school year to make that leap from education to employment and gaining the right skills required for todays modern workplace.