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Kent Early Years and Childcare Provider Association

The Early Years and Childcare Provider Association was established in June 2016 following invitations for volunteer district based private, voluntary and independent early years provider representatives, early years school based provision.

Association members will be available at most Early Years and Childcare Briefing and Networking Sessions to talk to providers and schools if required. Please refer to the latest bulletin for dates and times.

A note from the Chair

Hi, my name is Lisa Evans and I have the privilege to be the Chair of this exciting Association of passionate and knowledgeable early years and childcare professionals. I have been within early years for over 25 years which seems a very long time with varying experiences along the way making it my specialism. I feel proud that Kent County Council has recognised the importance of enabling a group of this type to form which has acknowledged the vital importance that early years play within a child’s educational journey and how it can be supported further. As providers (including private, voluntary, independent, schools and childminders) we are a continually growing, evolving group that has consistently delivered high quality provision and practice year on year, ensuring that best practice can impact on children and families that we work with. There is however, still work to be done. Influencing change within a challenging environment of national policies ensures that we must all work together to secure better outcomes for all. I am looking forward to the creative way we will continue to meet such challenges in a positive and proactive way.

Lisa Evans

Director, Abacus Childcare, New Romney