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We offer a range of Strategic Improvement Visits to give you one to one support from an experienced and qualified early years & childcare adviser or officer. These visits enable you to delve down into any area of your practice that you have identified as needing review with an adviser who has the knowledge and skills specific to your chosen area of exploration. This adviser/officer will act as a ‘critical friend’ to help you to identify areas for development and work with you to create an action plan to respond to these.

Strategic Improvement Visits can take place either face to face at your setting or a location of your choice, or can be conducted virtually over Microsoft Teams (or another mutually suitable platform if need be) and can run for up to 2 hours, depending on your preference.

We offer four Strategic Improvement Visits:

*The Equality and Inclusion Pre-EY LIFT visits remain KCC funded to all settings within KCC’s geographical boundaries.

The following visits are funded by KCC** and are available for Kent settings:

**Funded by KCC means the visit is free of charge to the customer.