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Working with Teenagers - Training for KCC Foster Carers

Audience: Foster Care
Single session

Brief overview

Being a teenager is tough, being a parent to a teenager can feel even tougher, but being a teenager who is also carrying the additional weight of trauma and adverse childhood experiences is tougher than both combined. This course looks at some of the difficulties that all teenagers face but also, how growing up in care can exacerbate the already very difficult developmental changes and stages of adolescence. Tools and tips are provided to aid understanding and to nurture a new way of thinking about teenagers and their external behavioural expressions whilst always linking how they behave to how they feel.

Learning outcomes

The session will cover:

  • A Teenagers Perspective.
  • Decoding Behaviours Pressures and Influences.
  • Defining Challenging Behaviours.
  • Understanding The Difficulties of Being A Teenager.
  • The Effects of Childhood Trauma on Identity and Self-Worth.
  • Long Term Support Positive Behavioural Management.
  • Responding Helpfully.
About the Trainer
Scott King is a 32 year old ex looked after child, He was taken into care when he was six months old along with his brother who was three at the time. After a failed adoption Scott went on to have a roller coaster journey consisting of 36 placement moves, two of which were in residential care. Scott’s traumas were compounded whilst in care as he suffered many let downs, a split from his brother at age seven and even abuse from foster carers. Scott officially stopped receiving services at 21 and since he left care he has dedicated his life to educating foster carers and social care professionals around the importance of stable placements and the deep traumas that are cause by multiple moves. Scott has been involved in a range of changemaking movements and now runs Section 31 Training which he set up in 2015. Scott is a passionate advocate for looked after children and care leavers with his main goal being to reduce the amount of moves children are subject to in the care system by providing care providers and caregivers with a new level of understanding and new ways of thinking. Scott has worked within this system ever since he left care in various different roles including residential key working, advocacy, mentoring, parliamentary advisory work, children’s champion and youth work.



  • Session - 28/01/2025 10:00  -  14:00

Event type




Delivered by

  • Scott King - Section 31

Product Topic: