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Transitions & Happy Endings - Training for KCC Foster Carers

Audience: Foster Care
Single session

Brief overview

Children in care will have experienced significant loss by entering the system. Whilst in care many different people will enter their lives and leave. If transitions are not managed sensitively it can compound traumas and this will have a direct impact on how children form relationships along their journey. This course looks at how sudden loss can cause harm. This course also focuses on the importance of communication between children and adults and also looking at how a child's understanding of events can differ hugely from factual events. Facilitator Scott King will talk about the many placement moves he had and how this impacted him whilst providing solutions to these issues. Anybody working with children in care will benefit from this course as it applies to everyone and is a fundamental element of reducing emotional harm to children in care.

Learning outcomes

  • The impact of sudden loss / supporting children to manage loss
  • The impact of multiple placement moves and inconsistency
  • PTSD - What is PTSD and how does it present in looked after children
  • Attachment disorder from a care experienced perspective
  • Fragmented narratives - helping children understand their journey
  • Improving transitions and preventing further trauma
  • Leaving “properly” - ending relationships the right way
  • Managing loss as a carer and preventing secondary trauma
  • Understanding the stages of grief
  • The importance of communication



  • Session - 21/03/2025 10:00  -  14:00

Event type




Delivered by

  • Scott King - Section 31

Product Topic: