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Supporting Pupils with Fluency in Years 3 and 4

Audience: Primary
Single session
  • Key Stage 2

Brief overview

With the introduction of formal columnar methods in KS2, it is easy to lose sight of the importance of mental methods. Mental arithmetic is faster and can be a game changer when pupils are under time-pressure. This course will look at the underpinning concepts which pupils need to secure in order to be able to confidently and efficiently calculate in their heads. It will also explore different scenarios where mental calculation is the best option for speed and efficiency.

Maths Subject Leaders: Should you choose to attend this course and the Y5 and 6 course, you will see there is some necessary overlap. We recommend you attend one of these courses and send a class teacher to the other. This will also share the load when it comes to dissemination back at school. 

Learning outcomes

  • Reflect on the aims of the National Curriculum for Mathematics and the definitions of Mastery and Mastery with Greater Depth, considering the intention behind them.
  • Understand the core concepts which need to be embedded for pupils to be flexible thinkers.
  • Explore a range of possible methods that could be used to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.
  • Build a bank of approaches to broaden and deepen pupils' knowledge of number and calculation strategies.



  • Session - 31/03/2025 09:30  -  16:00

Event type

Face 2 Face


The Education People
Unit 1
Papyrus Way
ME20 7GJ

Delivered by

  • Jason Horne