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Strategies to Support the Struggling Reader

Audience: Primary
Single session
  • Primary School Improvement Training Package
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2

Brief overview

Suitable for teachers, leaders and teaching assistants alike, this half day Zoom course will help schools to address the needs of more vulnerable pupils who may be getting left behind in their reading, a situation which has been exacerbated by long periods of school closure. Whether you teach Year 1 or Year 6, the strategies and pedagogy required to help these children to make progress will often be similar, despite the growing challenges of the reading curriculum. This course will provide clear direction in setting these pupils firmly onto the right path to achieving reading success.

Learning outcomes

  • To accurately identify vulnerable readers.
  • To consider best pedagogical practice which supports these pupils.
  • To know reading strategies which work.
  • To improve reading fluency.



  • Session - 04/03/2025 09:00  -  12:00

Event type




Delivered by

  • Penny Bill