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Early Years Designated Safeguarding Lead Refresher Training

Audience: Early Years & Childcare
Single session
  • Foundation

Brief overview

This course is the second level training for existing Designated Safeguarding Leads in group or school-based early years provision Early Years settings (EYDSLs) who are required to update their DSL training every two years.

Learning outcomes

  • To enable experienced Designated Safeguarding Leads/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads in early years settings to meet their requirement for updated training every two years.
  • Help participants meet the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’ (EYFS), ‘Working together to safeguard children’, ‘The Prevent duty’ and ‘Keeping children safe in education’.
  • Provide participants with updated relevant knowledge of national legislation and guidance pertaining to safeguarding children.
  • For EYDSLs to work with colleagues from different settings to share experiences and develop effective safeguarding practice.
  • Revisit Kent's specific safeguarding children procedures, including the consultation and Integrated Front Door referral process.
  • Explore and refresh participants multi-agency working knowledge and practice.
  • Revisit the importance of establishing a 'safe culture', including identifying the barriers for reporting abuse and how to overcome them, and minimising opportunities for offenders.
  • Explore current and contemporary child protection concerns and priorities using case studies.

This training is for delegates working in group or school-based early years provision or for providers of out-of-school settings (OOSS) who have previously attended a EYDSL or EYDSLR course in Kent and require updates on changes in national and local policies and guidance.  

This course will update delegates knowledge and confidence in carrying out the role of the EYDSL and will meet the needs of experienced EYDSLs and Deputy EYDSLs by enabling delegates to discuss, debate and challenge the varied views on practice, ethics, and policy through practical case studies. EYDSLs requiring a refresher course who are working in settings where children live outside of Kent can access this course, however, they will need to undertake independent research to ensure they understand their own local guidance and processes.

This course uses a variety of interactive scenarios and discussions to help delegates put learning into practice and is delivered by experienced trainers who have a sound knowledge of social work and early years practice. Delegates should ensure they are familiar with and have access to section 3 of the EYFS and the KSCMP Support Level Guidance when accessing this training. 

Full attendance (09:30-16:30) is required to receive a certificate of attendance; late arrival or leaving early may mean that certificates are withheld. A light lunch is provided.



  • Session - 07/05/2025 09:30  -  16:30

Event type

Face 2 Face


Mercure Tunbridge Wells Hotel
Tonbridge Road
Tunbridge Wells

Delivered by

  • LADO Education Safeguarding Advisory Service

Product Topic: