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Early Years and Childcare Briefing and Networking Session (South)

Audience: Early Years & Childcare
Single session
  • Foundation

Brief overview

The Early Years and Childcare Briefing and Networking Meetings are an opportunity for early years and childcare group providers in the private, voluntary, independent, and maintained sectors to receive important national and local information from the Early Years and Childcare Service and other relevant partners and agencies. Guest speakers from a range of partners will be included over the sessions held three times a year in each area.  

Learning outcomes

Information sharing and networking opportunity for early years and childcare group providers in the private, voluntary, independent, and maintained sectors. 

What delegates have said

"It will be very useful particularly the Safer Eating Campaign and the KSCMP resources for staff training. It will help us to consider the textures that some of the younger children struggle with." Carol, Briary Pre-School.



  • Session - 13/02/2025 16:00  -  18:00

Event type




Delivered by

  • Lucy Norman

Product Topic: