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Early Talk Boost Practitioner Training

Audience: Early Years & Childcare
Single session
  • Foundation

Brief overview

This course is suitable for practitioners new to this intervention as well as those who have received this training in the past and would like a refresher.

Do you have the resources to deliver Early Talk Boost, but currently have few, or no practitioners trained to implement this intervention, then this is the ideal course for you.

It is essential that you obtain the Early Talk Boost Intervention Pack (hyperlink in order to fully access the training and carry out the intervention within your setting (see pre-course information below).

This course aims to upskill delegates to successfully and confidently deliver this important and proven intervention. 

Early Talk Boost is a pre-school language intervention designed for children aged 3-4 years who have delayed language development. The intervention helps to boost their language skills, helping to narrow achievement gaps between them and their peers. With this training, you can ensure your staff team are confident to deliver the intervention so as many children as possible can benefit, with improved outcomes for their speech, language and communication development. This intervention also supports their PSED.

Findings show that, after taking part in Early Talk Boost, children make, on average, 6 months progress after a nine week intervention. This is twice the amount of progress than children not having the intervention, making this an excellent use of Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

This training is aimed at experienced practitioners, however settings may wish to book a place for more than one practitioner.

If you would like to find out more information about this intervention please follow this link where you will find an overview of the intervention and the benefits of implementing it into your practice:

Pre-course information:

This section includes important information - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

Each setting attending the training MUST already have the toolkit that accompanies this training as it is an integral part of the intervention. The toolkit contains all the materials and resources required to successfully deliver this intervention. Delegates will need the participants book, one per delegate.


Learning outcomes

To develop participants':

  • understanding of the Early Talk Boost activities and confidence in delivering the intervention,
  • knowledge of how to identify children who will benefit from Early Talk Boost and monitor their progress,
  • understanding of working with parents to support their child's communication and language development.



  • Session - 24/06/2025 09:30  -  12:30

Event type


