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CLEAPSS School Science Membership

CLEAPSS School Science Membership for schools across the country at discounted prices!

The Education People offer CLEAPSS School Science membership to schools across the country at a discounted price!

The CLEAPSS School Science membership enables schools and colleges to discharge their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent Regulations for science activities.

CLEAPSS provides guidance and documentation for school science which is recognised by the Health and Safety Executive and the Department for Education as best practice.

The CLEAPSS School Science membership lasts for 12 months and commences 1 April each year.  The membership cost is dependent on pupil roll numbers.

CLEAPSS annual membership: This package includes all the essential health and safety for science in the curriculum including:

  • CLEAPSS helpline – unlimited help for science, design and technology and art queries by telephone and email
  • access to all three CLEAPSS websites (Secondary Science, Secondary Design and Technology and Art and Primary Science and Technology) - use these for risk assessments, checklists, curriculum guides and information
  • reduced course fees for CLEAPSS science, and design technology courses
  • science newsletters, safety alerts, updates and design and technology bulletins
  • HAZCARDS® for secondary science experiments, updated regularly
  • model risk assessments for secondary design and technology equipment materials and processes (MRATs) updated regularly.


Price is dependent upon pupil roll numbers. Take a look to see how much you can save by purchasing CLEAPSS through The Education People compared to purchasing direct.

Please note: there is a minimum £15 annual subscription fee.

CLEAPSS® is a registered trademark.

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