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Quality Intervention for Maths

Audience: Primary
  • Primary School Improvement Training Package
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2

Quality Invention for Maths

This training is to explore interventions in supporting maths. It will focus on the best strategies to improve children’s maths. The course demonstrates how to improve children's attitudes to maths, looks at the importance of developmental progressions in supporting children and explores the best practice in interventions.

As a delegate you will learn the best ways to run interventions so that pupils leaning gaps are closed. You will also learn how to support children in developing their self regulation, metacognition and growth mindset so that there is a long and improved attitude towards maths.

Using Tens Frames

A resource to be used by adults in supporting pupils understanding of early maths. This resource has been designed to support adults in ensuring pupils have a deep secure understanding of number, addition and subtraction. It can also be used to support pupils who have learning gaps within these areas of early mathematics. This resource is to be used alongside pupils and gives activities to complete with the children. The tens frame is a resource that can easily be made with household items and therefore activities can be sent home with pupils so that there is a consistent approach to learning between school and home. 

What delegates have said

"Informative and lots of helpful teaching techniques and questioning to help children become more confident and take ownership of their own learning. Fantastic course." John Wesley CEM Primary School

"Good examples of tens frames activities. Excellent model questions." Elmhurst Junior School

This module should take approximately one hour to complete.

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