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Do you need a clerk for your Governing Body?

Our Clerking Service can accommodate the needs of your board through a virtual, face-to-face or blended via our competitive Clerking Service Specification.

Please note if you are outside of Kent we are only able to provide a remote clerking service.

We can provide you with a trained, competent, and quality assured clerk. The cost of our package is based on the number and type of meetings your Governing Body wishes to be clerked. 

Our offer

We offer a comprehensive clerking package across Kent, where our clerks attend meetings in person or remotely.

Outside of Kent we can currently only offer a remote clerking service.

For more information including an itemised quote and availability of clerks in your area please contact us.


Schools will be charged the fee published within The Clerking Service Specification. The service will be charged each month (unless otherwise agreed) by direct debit detailing the element relating to each individual package.

Additional meetings on top of the agreed contract as well as any additional service provided will be charged on an ad hoc bases and included in the next direct debit.