The overall quality objective is to ensure that The Education People’s Early Years and Childcare Service, delivers a consistently high level of service throughout our extensive and diverse suite of services and products.
The Early Years and Childcare Service is committed to continuous improvement and implementing appropriate quality management systems and processes to enable us to deliver the highest practicable quality services and products.
We strive to ensure we are at the vanguard of early years and childcare knowledge and information and continuously review and update all our services and products to reflect the current landscape.
With this in mind, we will:
- work with our customers and partners to develop our services to meet their needs
- conduct our business in a way that reflects our core values
- create an environment that promotes continuous improvement and knowledge sharing across all stakeholders
- ensure compliance with legal and other applicable standards
- educate and train our people to support the delivery of high quality services.
We recognise the importance of monitoring and reviewing our quality management systems and through continual monitoring and planned reviews, we ensure we identify improvements to our service and maintain compliance with legal and ethical standards.
In effect, this provides our customers with the confidence that our services and products will be delivered consistently to an extremely high standard.
Where appropriate we seek to attain external accreditation for the services and products we provide.
Our commitment to quality is supported by individual policies and procedures that can be found via, including:
- Corporate Governance
- Equality and Diversity
- Safeguarding
The Early Years and Childcare Service is fully committed to supporting and enabling you and your setting in delivering excellent and sustainable childcare.