A well-qualified and skilled Early Years workforce is essential to ensure you effectively deliver the EYFS and provide the best possible outcomes for children in Kent.
Finding the right member of staff is even more challenging in today’s competitive environment. In order to support you, Threads of Success have created ‘The Recruitment Hub’ – a central location for Early Years employers to advertise their vacancies and for candidates to search, either for their first role in the sector or to further their career.
Free of charge and easy to use, The Recruitment Hub is proving to be a very popular resource and, alongside the jobs board, offers a wealth of information for settings and job-seekers about the recruitment journey.
The Recruitment Hub is the place to come if you are an individual seeking a new job, or an employer looking to recruit in the Early Years and Childcare sector.
Coming Soon: National Early Years and Childcare Recruitment Campaign
There’s not long to go until the launch of the Department for Education’s early years recruitment campaign.
The aim of the campaign is to promote early years and childcare careers by highlighting the huge difference early years professionals make to young children and how rewarding working in the sector can be.
The campaign, with its own dedicated website, will direct potential applicants to use DWP’s Find a Job vacancy platform to search for early years, childcare and wraparound roles in their area.
Since the January opening of the registration process for the expanded entitlements offer, we have seen a high level of demand from parents. This service is free to use and will ensure vacancies are seen by a large pool of potential candidates.
Please click instructions to follow steps to help you create an employer account and post your vacancies to Find a Job.