- Regular bulletins at least once a term
- A central website for up to date guidance
- Briefing and networking sessions
- Representation, via the Early Years and Childcare Provider Association, to underpin a strategic partnership between early years and childcare providers and Kent County Council
- Career advice, via telephone and email
- Information and guidance to enable delivery of places
- Support to meet their duties under the EYFS Statutory Framework, including pre-LIFT visits and attendance at LIFT meetings
- Framework of advice and guidance to support effective transitions for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage
- Support to meet their duties under the Equality Act 2010 and the SEND Code of Practice and to understand their responsibilities in meeting the needs of children, including attendance at SENCo Forums
- Training, advice and support on providing for Children in Care and those with SEND
- Support relating to parents claiming Early Years Pupil Premium funding and monitoring of the impact of that funding
- Advice, support and challenge, via telephone and email, on safeguarding issues including escalation of professional concerns*
- Representation on multi-agency groups and panels*
- Support or, potentially, challenge at child protection meetings if appropriate*
- An exemplar up to date Child Protection policy and Acceptable Use Policy for education providers to adapt and make specific to their own setting to help them meet their statutory requirements*
- The Child Protection newsletter 3 times a year, which provides updates on changes in legislation and local and national statutory and non-statutory guidance and procedures*
- Support in times of crisis and unexpected critical incidents, for example attendance at Early Response meetings following the unexpected death of a child who attends a school.*
*to be provided by the Education Safeguarding Team, also within The Education People.
Annual Conversation Visit
The principle aim of these visits is to reduce the risk of providers falling below a ‘good’ judgement. The purpose of this visit is to explore and understand the setting’s approach:
- to the monitoring of the quality of provision, the safeguarding and welfare requirements and its place within the self-evaluation and setting improvement planning processes.
- to engage in a professional discussion about the quality of teaching and learning, the observation and planning for the full range of learners’ needs and interests *The effectiveness of the care for children’s personal development, behaviour and welfare
It will also be an opportunity for you to review actions from the last inspection and the progress towards the priorities and actions in your setting improvement plan.