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Improving pupil outcomes and plugging the gaps in learning

New research from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) indicates that the gap in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and their classmates increased since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst the report focuses on the gap widening in primary schools, there will undoubtedly be an impact on secondary readiness and the curriculum transition. Secondary provisions need to prepare for the suspected curriculum gap as part of their anticipatory duty, in order to provide the most suitable, yet aspirational approach for their students.

How can The Education People help?

Our Secondary School Improvement team has put together a number of resources to help improve outcomes for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, and bridge those gaps in learning.

Secondary Leadership Files - These Secondary Leadership files covering Maths and English will support a Head of Department review and evaluate the quality of education within their department.

Disadvantage Resources - A new Disadvantage Toolkit written and developed by our School Improvement experts is now available to purchase.

Secondary Leadership Files

Both the Secondary English Leadership File and Secondary Mathematics Leadership File provide a comprehensive guide for English and maths Middle Leaders, supporting them in all aspects of their work and developing their understanding of how to review and develop their curriculum, explore data, enhance teaching and learning practices and grow their team. Each file provides both practical resources to audit existing practices, exemplar documents and information around the theory which underpins the work of a middle leader.

Click on the links below to find out more and view samples of each resource.

Disadvantage Resources

Please click on the link below to find out more about the Disadvantage Toolkit and view samples of this resource.