This report from the DfE presents the findings from an independent evaluation of the first year of the national rollout of 30 Hours free childcare.
The following government reports have also been published recently:
- Follow-up survey to the 2017 Childcare and Early Years Survey of Parents (CEYSP): A follow-up telephone survey of 774 parents of three to four year olds in May-July 2018 that agreed to be re-contacted following their 2017 CEYSP survey (in January-August 2017).
- Take-up of Free Early Education Entitlements (FEEE): This report examines the factors affecting take-up of free early education entitlements (FEEE) through a rapid evidence assessment, regression analysis of existing data on take-up, and qualitative interviews with 21 local authority early years leads, 30 providers and 40 parents of two, three and four year olds who were not taking up FEEE.
- Impact Study on Early Education Use and Child Outcomes up to age four years: The second impact report from the Study of Early Education and Development (SEED), a longitudinal eight-year study following approximately 6,000 children across England from the age of two, through to the end of Key Stage One (age seven).