Education Inspection Framework - Behaviour and attitudes - part 2 of 4
This is the second in our four-part series looking at each of the new judgements in the Education Inspection Framework. We have previously looked at the quality of education and will subsequently look at personal development and leadership and management in future Bulletins.
Ofsted (2019)
The previous judgement of ‘Personal development, behaviour and welfare’ has been separated, resulting in two judgements, one for ‘Behaviour and attitudes’ and one for ‘Personal development’.
Inspectors will consider to what extent children display the characteristics of effective learning. It is therefore essential that the environment and practitioner interactions encourage this. They look for how children demonstrate a positive attitude to learning with high levels of curiosity, concentration and enjoyment.
Providers should have high expectations for children’s behaviour and consistent strategies understood and applied by all to manage unwanted or challenging behaviour. Gill Jones, Ofsted’s Deputy Director of Early Education is clear that providers are not judged on the children’s behaviour but how adults manage this behaviour, support children to manage their own feelings and behaviour, demonstrate respect for others and help children to develop a sense of right and wrong.
Children’s attendance will be considered and although not mandatory, inspectors will seek to understand how providers work with families to instil positive habits for future learning. There will be a particular focus on attendance for children in receipt of Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).
During inspection inspectors will spend as much time as possible gathering evidence to inform their judgement on behaviour and attitudes by:
- Observing children at play
- Talking to children and practitioners about the activities available
- Observing interactions between adults and children
- Gauging children’s level of engagement in learning
- Talking to parents.
For providers who only offer before and after school care and holiday provision the inspector will consider the criteria for this judgement when reaching their final judgement on the overall effectiveness: quality and standards of the early years provision and is likely to comment on specifics in the inspection report.
We are beginning to see Ofsted recommendations following inspection related to this judgement area, for example:
- Review the organisation of some resources so that all children stay focused and engaged in their learning
- Extend opportunities for children to think and freely express and communicate their ideas more consistently
- Build on staff's use of questioning to help support children's thinking skills and learning further
- Review and improve the way staff communicate instructions to younger children to help support their engagement in activities and maintain their focus and motivation
- Develop consistent behaviour management systems to help support young children to manage their own feelings and behaviour
- Build on children's understanding of the consequences of their actions to enhance their good behaviour even further.
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