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This course is funded by Kent County Council for delegates from Kent-based PVI settings, including childminders and Kent maintained nurseries. If you are a member of staff at any of these settings this training is available to you free of charge. The price below is for those outside of Kent.
Kent are moving towards a new way of working following the Early years review and during this time of transition the Early Years & Childcare Team will continue to support all new SENCO's. New training for SENCO/Inclusion Leads will be provided during the summer term.
This aim of this course is to provide an introduction for practitioners who are new to the role of SENCOs/Inclusion Lead. It is not intended for existing SENCO/Inclusion Leads who have experience in the role.
The course will increase your confidence, knowledge and understanding of inclusive practice. The learning has been designed to be interactive and thought-provoking. The course will consider the key principles of inclusive SEND practice, as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (2021), SEND code of practice (2015) and the Equality Act (2010). You will learn about the graduated approach, the 4 broad areas of need, the importance of early intervention, the role of the SENCO/Inclusion Lead in supporting other practitioners, creating effective parent partnerships, and working with other professional agencies outside of your setting.
PRE COURSE E-LEARNING – Delegates are encouraged to complete the Getting to Know your Early Years Best Practice Guidance (BPG) E-learning prior to attending this training. This e-learning module is free for Kent settings, is available on The Education People Website and should take approximately one hour to complete. The Early Years SENCO/Inclusion Lead Training builds on key learning from this e-learning module.
THE TRAINING COURSE - This course will include one 3-hour session, running as an interactive zoom session. You will then have the opportunity to attend a virtual networking session with delegates from the course 2 weeks later.