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BPS - The New Kent Scheme Updates

Audience: Primary, Secondary
Single session
  • All

Brief overview

Schools Financial Services are releasing the New Updated Budget Planning Software (BPS) to account for the new Pay Structure for Kent (Maintained Schools/Schools that follow Kent Scheme Terms and Conditions).  This means that all schools using the current BPS will be moved to their new site. 

Schools Financial Services are now able to offer training on the transfer of your staffing, funding and other income and expenditure information.  

Learning outcomes

  • To demonstrate how the new employee scenario will transition your school staff to the new Kent County Council pay structure.
  • How to complete the other I and E and Funding Scenarios.
  • How to produce a Budget Forecast.



  • Session - 23/01/2025 10:00  -  12:00

Event type




Delivered by

  • Joanne Clark
  • Sue Lindgren

Product Topic: