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Work experience

We strive to give every young person the opportunity of work experience, which is invaluable for their development and learning, leading them to reach skilled employment or higher learning, particularly through the apprenticeship route.

Our ambition is to improve the work placements offer in Kent and have created a virtual platform that offers a range of different experiences for our young people; by providing opportunities with a host of employers from a wide range of industry sectors across the county.

Meet the work experience team

and has worked previously with different training providers. He has worked in the apprenticeship arena for over 20 years and has a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Since the introduction of the apprenticeship levy, Dave has been working with schools to understand how they can best use the levy. He has gained a range of experience in the welfare-to-work agenda, managing a variety of different back to work programmes including work experience, work tasters and apprenticeships across the county.

David leads on our employer engagement project, which involves working with employers across Kent and Medway to increase the number of opportunities available to local young people and developing the apprenticeship offer to promote the benefits of apprenticeships to schools, young people, parents and businesses. His role is to create and develop county wide opportunities for apprenticeships and work experience through employer engagement, partnership working, within KCC and other local authorities for the benefit of the local community.

David has also worked on several different trailblazer groups in the development of new apprenticeship standards. He is one of the directors of Kent Association of Training Organisations (KATO), working with the local training providers in Kent, to help support the development of the training available across the county. This is achieved by providing strategic overview and facilitating collaborative activities between education providers, training providers and employers to support the progression into the world of work.