Making decisions about what to do after Year 11 can be difficult, there are a lot of choices that need to be made at the right time. Young people and their parents/carers need to know what to do and when. Our Engagement Officers provide information and advice through our KentChoices website, virtual parents’ evenings and through direct support to young people and their schools.
Not all young people are ready for their next step after Year 11. Our Engagement Officers work with schools and other services to identify those young people who are at risk of becoming classified as not in education, employment or training (NEET). From there they are able to provide targeted, tailored support. Schools can choose from a menu of support options, or develop a bespoke offer to suit the needs of their learners.
Those who still need help beyond September are transferred to our NEET Support Service, where they receive individualised help. Either way, those identified as being at risk of being NEET in Year 11 are tracked for a year after compulsory education, so where necessary they can be quickly reengaged.