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What is the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme?

The HAF Programme offers families of children aged 4 to 16, who are eligible for benefits related free school meals (FSM), opportunities to access a range of free activities in the Easter, summer, and Christmas holidays. If you are not sure if you are eligible, please use the eligibility checker:

When is the programme available?

The programme runs for one week at Easter, four weeks over the summer and one week at Christmas.

Where can I go for information about programmes in my area?

Please find information below detailing our funded HAF Programmes that are running over the holiday periods in Kent. Please contact Programmes directly for more information. To request a place at your preferred HAF Programme, please follow the link through the HAF Programme E-voucher that will have been issued to you through your child’s school. The following parents guide will take you through a step-by-step process for booking through your E-voucher.

We will publish details of the HAF Programmes on the lead up to each of the holidays.

Details of Easter 2025 HAF Programmes

The HAF Programme details are correct at time of publishing, but we recommend that you contact the individual programmes directly to confirm times and dates.

What can I expect when I go?

Each programme will provide a range of exciting activities, games and new experiences for children, along with a healthy main meal. Children will have the chance to try new sporty or creative activities and to make new friends. There will also be the opportunities for families to share ideas about how to source high quality, healthy food cheaply, creative ways to encourage a healthy diet and fun ways to cook as a family.

How are children with additional needs included?

All the programme partners are committed to making their programme accessible for a wide range of children. Providing the programme with good information about your child and their needs will enable them to ensure that your child is fully included and can enjoy the opportunities that are offered.

Additional information for families

Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) is a government scheme to help working families with their childcare costs. Parents and carers who are eligible can open online childcare accounts to pay their registered childcare providers directly and the government will add to the account to help towards childcare costs and save money. Tax-Free Childcare - Kent County Council

Special Education needs and Disabilities (SEND) - Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) - Kent County Council

Activities outside of School - Activities outside school - Kent County Council

College, sixth form, employment and training. If you're 15 or 16 years old, it's time to start thinking about your future. You need to stay in education or training until you're 18, but how you do it is your choice. If you're under 18, find out how we can help if you don't like your course or placement. - College, sixth form, employment and training - Kent County Council

Early Help (support for families) We provide services that can be accessed at a time and place that suits families to help them to do well, stay safe and resolve problems at the earliest possible opportunity, before they become more serious. - Early Help (support for families) - Kent County Council

Activity links

Kids need to be physically active for 60 minutes a day, with 30 minutes of that activity taking place outside of school. Activities for kids - Healthier Families - NHS (

Get the kids moving with these fun games inspired by some of their favourite Disney characters. These boredom-busting activities will help them reach the 60 active minutes they need every day! 10 Minute Shake Up games – Healthier Families - NHS (

We are the UK's largest reading charity and we reach millions of children every year with books, resources and support to get every child reading, regularly and by choice. BookTrust: Getting children reading | BookTrust

We are an independent charity working with schools and communities to give disadvantaged children the literacy skills to succeed in life. National Literacy Trust | UK Literacy Charity

Our vision is for everyone in the UK to get on with numbers so they can get on in life.​ Our mission is to improve how people understand and work with numbers in day to day life – sparking better opportunities and brighter futures. Research And Resources Lister View | National Numeracy

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