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Targeted Support for Communication and Language

Audience: Early Years & Childcare
Single session
  • Foundation

Brief overview

This course is subsidised and only costs £15 for delegates from Kent-based PVI settings, including childminders and Kent maintained nurseries. The price below is for those outside of Kent.

This targeted level communication and language training builds on practitioner's knowledge, understanding and skills at universal level. It will enable practitioners to support children's communication and language at targeted level, and develop confidence to adjust their everyday practice and provision. It provides a range of activities, strategies and targeted interventions that will support the whole staff team to meet the communication and language needs of the range of children in their care.

This course is jointly written and delivered by the Kent Speech and Language Therapy Team, Specialist Teaching and Learning Service and the Early Years and Childcare, Equality and Inclusion Team.

Pre-course information: Practitioners will need to have first attended the one day universal course, The Prime Importance of Communication and Language, before attending this targeted level course. 

Learning outcomes

  • To increase practitioner's knowledge, understanding and skills in identifying and supporting children with language and communication needs at targeted level.
  • Increase professional confidence to adjust practice and provision to meet the needs of children.
  • Provide a range of strategies and targeted interventions to develop language and communication skills in the setting.



  • Session - 12/06/2025 09:30  -  12:30

Event type


