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Online Safety for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) Training

Audience: Primary, Secondary
Single session
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Key Stage 5

Brief overview

This course is for existing Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) in schools/colleges and explores the specific strategic safeguarding responsibilities for DSLs regarding online safety policy, practice, and procedures within their school or college, including responding to a range of online safety concerns and making appropriate referrals.

Learning outcomes

  • To explore key statutory requirements and best practice in relation to online safety, identified in ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’, the Ofsted Inspection Framework and other relevant local and national guidance.
  • To explore factors which could increase vulnerability online, including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
  • To consider expectations, roles, and responsibilities for DSLs in relation to appropriate filtering and monitoring on school/college devices and networks.
  • To develop an understanding of current online safety concerns including cyberbullying, grooming for exploitation and nude/semi-nude image sharing.
  • To enable delegates to respond to and manage specific concerns by exploring child protection levels and referrals within the context of online safeguarding.
  • To highlight the importance of professional behaviour online and its potential implications for staff.
  • To explore a range of engagement and education approaches for staff, children and parents.

This course will focus on and explore a range of approaches DSLs can take to ensure online safety practice in their school/college is in line with national and local policy and procedures. The course will address key statutory requirements in line with ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (KCSIE), including leadership oversight, DSL responsibilities, vulnerable learners, child on child abuse, online grooming and exploitation, online safety education and appropriate filtering and monitoring.

This course will enable DSLs to understand the unique risks associated with online safety, including for children with special education need or disabilities, and will support DSLs in feeling confident that they have the relevant knowledge and up to date capability required to keep children safe online. The course uses a variety of scenarios and discussions to help delegates put learning into practice and is delivered by experienced trainers who have a sound knowledge of online safeguarding and education practice.

A basic understanding of prior online safety knowledge is required; delegates should access appropriate online safety basic awareness training prior to attending. Delegates must already be trained Designated Safeguarding Leads within their school/college - if delegates do not meet this requirement, their certification will not be valid. DSLs in school/colleges where children live outside of Kent can access this course, however, they will need to undertake independent research to ensure they understand their own local guidance and processes.

Delegates should ensure they are familiar with and have access to the current version of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ when accessing this training. 

Full attendance (09:30-16:30) is required to receive a certificate of attendance; late arrival or leaving early may mean that certificates are withheld. A light lunch is provided.



  • Session - 18/06/2025 09:30  -  16:30

Event type

Face 2 Face


Bridgewood Manor Hotel
Walderslade Woods

Delivered by

  • Ashley Assiter
  • Rebecca Avery