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Effective Transition within and from the EYFS

Audience: Primary
Single session
  • Primary School Improvement Training Package
  • Foundation

Brief overview

Points of transition can always be subject to anxiety and disorientation, which in turn can have an impact on children’s learning, development and progress. This is particularly true in the EYFS where child's experiences and enculturation of the process is still being formed. Providing and sustaining effective approaches to support transition within the EFS - and into Y1 - will ensure that children continue to build on the knowledge, skills and behaviours they have acquired and  developed. This session will explore the principles of effective transition and provide practical guidance for supporting this in EYFS provision.

Learning outcomes

Participants will gain confidence in their approaches to transition and be able to articulate the reasoning behind them.



  • Session - 09/06/2025 15:30  -  17:45

Event type




Delivered by

  • Jan Dubiel