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Effective and Purposeful Assessments to Support Closing Gaps

Audience: Primary
Single session
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2

Brief overview

Post-pandemic, gaps in learning have become wider and more evident. Teachers and Teaching Assistants need a good knowledge of the best approaches to take to address these gaps, and where to look for high-quality materials to support gap-plugging. This course will look at ways to build assessment for learning into daily maths lessons, providing teachers with the information they need to diagnose and address gaps in learning.


Learning outcomes

  • To understand the purpose of assessment for learning in mathematics.
  • To explore a range of resources and approaches that can be used to gather assessment information.
  • To become familiar with effective resources for plugging gaps in pupils' understanding and addressing misconceptions.
  • To consider different models of 'keep-up intervention'.
  • To explore some proven-impact 'catch-up intervention' programmes and resources for pupils who have fallen behind.
  • To understand how to design a tailored curriculum for pupils working significantly below age-related expectations.



  • Session - 05/03/2025 09:30  -  16:00

Event type

Face 2 Face


The Education People
Unit 1
Papyrus Way
ME20 7GJ

Delivered by

  • Jason Horne