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Countywide SENCO Forum - Secondary (am)

Audience: Secondary
Single session
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Key Stage 5

Brief overview

The prime way in which SENCOs and Heads can receive termly updates from the Local Authority and other key professionals on ongoing SEND projects, key information about the CATIE and KCC’s SEND agenda.

Please note: This session is open and free of charge to any school within Kent. This is not open to schools outside of Kent.

Learning outcomes

  • To provide key information from the Local Authority, The Education People, the Health Service and the Educational Psychology service.
  • To enable a platform for sharing good practise amongst professionals.
  • To ensure a centralised approach to information sharing in Kent for SEND.



  • Session - 21/05/2025 08:00  -  09:30

Event type




Delivered by

  • Ruth Gately