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Budget Setting for Medway Schools

Audience: Primary, Secondary
Single session
  • All

Brief overview

Each year Medway Maintained Schools are required to set a 3 year budget plan.  This course will cover how to use the Budget Planning Software (BPS) to set your 3 year plan. The first part of the day will be about the information that needs to be gathered to start the preparation of the budget setting, followed by how to use the Budget Planning Software (BPS) to set your 3 year plan. 

Delegates will have the opportunity to start to set their own school budgets, with facilitators available to help with any queries.  (Please note there will be insufficient time to complete a full 3 Year Plan on the day).

Important - Delegates are required to bring the following:

  • Laptop and power pack with laptop login details
  • Login details for the Budget Planning Software (BPS)
  • Information to inform the budget planning process (electronic/hard copies) e.g funding template

Learning outcomes

Delegates will be aware of how to use the Budget Planning Software (BPS) to check all employee data held in the employee scenario, transfer the funding information from the budget working papers to the funding scenario, and complete the other income and expenditure scenario.  Once this has been completed, a 3 year plan can be created. 



  • Session - 02/05/2025 09:30  -  16:30

Event type

Face 2 Face


The Education People
Unit 1
Papyrus Way
ME20 7GJ

Delivered by

  • Sue Lindgren
  • Joanne Clark