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Whole School Online Safety Training Pack for DSLs 2024-25

This resource is to support DSLs in schools provide online safety specific staff training themselves whilst following national guidance and local Kent processes.

All staff working in schools and colleges are required to undergo online safety training as part of child protection and safeguarding training, this is a requirement under the statutory guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' (KCSIE). This training should be provided to staff at induction and as part of regular child protection training and updates. The Education Safeguarding Service have produced this downloadable pack to support Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) in schools provide specific online safety training to staff so that they can develop the relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard learners effectively online.

The training pack consists of a PowerPoint presentation template and accompanying guidance document. By purchasing this resource, you will be allowed access and download a PowerPoint presentation and PDF guidance document to use for the year. The content will be updated as required and following any amendments or updates to relevant guidance by The Education Safeguarding Service.

Schools and organisations outside of Kent will be able to adapt the PowerPoint slides to reflect their own local procedures, however primarily the content has been written specifically for Kent schools in accordance with the Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership (KSCMP) procedures.

The Whole School Online Safety Training Pack for DSLs 2024-2025 is for use within your school only and must be used and delivered by an appropriately trained Designated Safeguarding Lead (recommended to be the lead DSL). Before the content is delivered, please ensure you check for any updates.

The pack is based on the KCSIE 2024 guidance and is suitable for use in the academic year 2024-25.

The pack provides DSLs with a simple to use but comprehensive PowerPoint presentation template. This template can be altered according to your school’s specific perspective, as well as time available. The presentation reflects current statutory guidance as well as the local Kent processes and includes an optional script. DSLs should personalise the template to reflect their own school approaches, including points of contact and policies.

Key content covered within the presentation includes:

  • overview of online benefits and risks, including ‘content’, ‘contact’ and ‘conduct’
  • specific information regarding recognising and responding to child-on-child abuse, including cyberbullying and nude image sharing
  • vulnerability online
  • expectations, applicable roles and staff responsibilities in relation to filtering and monitoring
  • professional reputation and relationships online
  • what to do if staff are concerned about a child or colleague
  • local and national resources and support.

The Education Safeguarding Service have produced a helpful guidance document with supportive material and handy background information to support DSLs in delivering this training. Included with the guidance document are suggestions to create a safe environment for delivering training, and there are a variety of suggested activities that can be used to provide staff updates throughout the year or for longer training sessions.

This pack will:

  • enable DSLs to be confident that their staff have the relevant online safety knowledge required
  • that staff understand and know the procedures and expectations in place within their school.

This pack of resources will assist both experienced and new DSLs:

  • deliver staff training which is relevant and up to date
  • to help ensure that their school recognises the importance of online safety as a safeguarding concern
  • promotes a safe culture online for children and staff.


£100 (+VAT) per school.

Please remember you are purchasing access to this content for the academic year 1 September 2024 - 31 August 2025

If you have any further questions about the Whole School Online Safety Training Pack for DSLs 2024-2025 please contact us.

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