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Prime Importance of Communication and Language E-learning

Audience: Early Years Practioners & Managers
  • Foundation

This E-learning course will support your understanding of the development of communication and language for children 0-5. It will provide you with strategies to promote all children's development, and enable you to identify when children are at risk of delay. This course has been jointly written by the Equality and Inclusion, and Speech and Language Therapy teams, and aims to provide an alternative format to our Face 2 Face training day.

Please note, this course is only applicable nurseries, settings and childminders in Kent.

  • Increase practitioner knowledge of the developmental stages of speech, language and communication in children aged 0-5years.

  • Consider the importance of the learning environment and how this can support communication and language.

  • Understand the importance of quality adult interactions and techniques practitioners can use to support children's language development.

  • Understand a range of strategies used to monitor and support speech, language, and communication development.

A greater understanding of how children develop language, resulting in more communication friendly provisions. Early years providers may start to identify children earlier who may have a SLCN.

Modules include:

  • Communciation, what is it?
  • National Priority
  • Development of Language
  • Skills of Language and Strategies
  • Environments and Interactions Matter
  • What is Next?