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Inclusive, High Quality Out of School Childcare

Audience: Wraparound Childcare Providers
  • Foundation

This webinar has been devised for school managed, Ofsted registered out of school settings and childminders.

It is an opportunity to gain information and guidance for developing a fully inclusive, high quality out of school provision.

This is the second of two webinars The Education People have produced to provide information about the steps to take if you are setting up a school managed provision or registering with Ofsted. You may wish to view the first part webinar, Setting up and Registering Out of School Provision with Ofsted, before watching this webinar.

Please note, this webinar is only appropriate for Wraparound  Out of School Care in settings and schools in Kent.

Included in webinar

  • Introduction
  • Playwork Principles
  • Play environment
  • Inclusive practice
  • Working with families
  • Setting ethos
  • Record keeping
  • Heath and Safety
  • Statutory/legal requirements