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Let's Talk Together

It is known that children need meaningful interactions and experiences both at home within their family and in the wider world. This free booklet for families aims to help you have fun with your child and explore the joys of communicating at home.

The document is available in English, Romanian, Nepalese, Polish, Punjab and Dari (Farsi). Please click on the image below by the language of your choice to open your chosen language version.

Please note: these documents have been translated by Alternative Formats (a KCC translation service) and proofed by first language speakers where possible. If, however, any of the translation is inaccurate please contact us at Threads of Success and we can explore this further.

Here are some digital resources to enable you to share information about Let's Talk Together with your parents on digital platforms. Take a look at our Let's Talk Together poster and our animated Let's Talk Together poster.

Let's Talk Together - Dari (Fasi)
Let's Talk Together - English
Let's Talk Together - Nepalese
Let's Talk Together - Polish
Let's Talk Together - Punjabi
Let's Talk Together - Romanian